Inspectors: information and controls related to main window selections
Inspector view is the pane with information and controls related to what is selected in the main window.
The Inspectors sidebar is located on the right side of Project Office window. If it’s hidden, choose Inspectors ▸ Show/Hide Inspectors or click and drag in from the right side of the window to open it. Project Office has four main inspectors: Project (Command-1), View (Command-2), Resource (Command-3) and Task (Command-4).
Project Inspector allows to configure project settings:
▸ Direction — choose planning direction: Forward with Fixed Start or Backward with Fixed End.
▸ Start/End — fields to set start/due date of project. Start Date is available if Planning Direction is Forward; End Date – if Planning Direction is Backward.
▸ Total Cost — view the total cost of the project.
▸ Duration and effort time units.
▸ Currency — select the type of currency for calculating the costs.
▸ Time options.
▸ Work Hours — set work hours of project.
View Inspector allows to set project view options:
▸ Filter — choose a filter option to get shown tasks that meet the request. ▸ Baseline — add and choose baseline to compare with actual base plan. ▸ Critical Path — use to highlight the important tasks that have a direct influence on the finish date of your project. ▸ Gant Bar Labels — customize view parameters for Gantt Chart view by adding Task Prefix, Right Label and Left Label of project tasks.
Resources Inspector is used to create and fill parameters regarding resources used in the project.
Resources of two types can be added: Staff and Material. You can import resources from Contacts, or Add a new one.
Task Inspector consists of three basic sections: Task Info, Scheduling, Assignments.
Here you can define all task attributes such as start and end dates, completion percentage, and resource assignments.
Buttons placed on the Inspectors tab bar are designed for setting Tasks, Projects, Resources and View of current project.
Inspectors tab bar is the pane with information and controls related to what is selected in the main window.
Project Inspector allows to configure project settings:
▸ Direction — choose planning direction: Forward with Fixed Start or Backward with Fixed End. ▸ Start/End — fields to set start/due date of project. Start Date is available if Planning Direction is Forward; End Date – if Planning Direction is Backward. ▸ Total Cost — view the total cost of the project. ▸ Duration and effort time units. ▸ Currency — select the type of currency for calculating the costs. ▸ Effort Conversions — figure out how many hours should be calculated as one day, week, month and year. ▸ Work Hours — set work hours of project. ▸ Calendar — set project calendar (days-off, days with different working hours).
View Inspector allows to set project view options:
▸ Filter — choose a filter option to get shown tasks that meet the request. ▸ Baseline — add and choose baseline to compare with actual base plan. ▸ Critical Path — use to highlight the important tasks that have a direct influence on the finish date of your project. ▸ Gant Bar Labels — customize view parameters for Gantt Chart view by adding Task Prefix, Right Label and Left Label of project tasks.
Resources Inspector is used to create and fill parameters regarding resources used in the project.
Resources of two types can be added: Staff and Material. You can import resources from Contacts, or Add a new one.
Task Inspector consists of three basic sections: Task Info, Scheduling, Assignments.
Here you can define all task attributes such as start and end dates, completion percentage, and resource assignments.