Projects tab
The Projects Tab displays the list of all existing projects. All projects are sorted by Due Date. Projects without Due Dates are displayed in the end of the list.
To add a new Project click/tap"Add" button. For each project you can set all the detailed information you need: add title, set a specific category, add status and priority, assign Start and Due Dates, add details and location. Each project in the Projects list consists of: ▸ Title; ▸ Due Date of the project; ▸ Category mark - the coloured stripe on the left; ▸ Priority mark - the coloured circle on the right.
All projects are sorted by Due Date. Projects without Due Dates are displayed in the end of the list.
The Project Info is opened after clicking on the chosen project.
Project Info displays the following information and opportunities:
▸ Date of creation: "Created on ..."
▸ Project title;
▸ Percentage of completed tasks in the project;
▸ Priority mark - the coloured circle on the right;
▸ Contacts that are involved in this Project;
▸ Detailed Project Information: Status, Category, Priority, Start and End Dates, Details.
Progress pipeline is a visualised option to track completed tasks.
It shows the total number of tasks, quantity of completed tasks and the percent of tasks completion.
Tasks section contains all the tasks, assigned to the current project.
Tasks section shows:
▸ Badge with number of tasks: total and done;
▸ Ability to create New task or add Current;
▸ Progress pipeline, that shows how much tasks still needed to be done;
▸ List of tasks assigned to Project.
You can add people to your project. In Linked field you can check out everyone involved in the project. This way you will know whom you need to contact and whom you are completing this project with.
The Projects Tab displays the list of all existing projects. All projects are sorted by Due Date. Projects without Due Dates are displayed in the end of the list.
To add a new Project tap "Add" button. For each project you can set all the detailed information you need: add title, set a specific category, add status and priority, assign Start and Due Dates, add details and location.
To open Project Info tap project title in the list.
Project info consists of several fields: project title, progress pipeline, detailed info, activity and assigned.
Progress pipeline shows the total number of tasks, quantity of completed tasks and the percent of tasks completion. By tapping Progress pipeline the list with all tasks added to the project is opened.
In Activity field you can check out everyone involved in the project; assign tasks to the team members and check number of tasks assigned to the project.
Assigned allows you to add people, who are involved in the project. This way you will know whom you need to contact and whom you are completing this project with.