Peculiarities of syncing tasks
Since in Task Office there are such types of tasks as ToDo, Appointment, Email/Call, but in Apple Calendar there is no these types, then Sync will be as follows:
Mac ▸ if task is a ToDo type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day ON;

▸ if task is Appointment type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day OFF;

▸ if task is Email/Call type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day OFF and Due date will be the same as Start date.

Note: if there is a task in Apple Calendar with All-day OFF and duration in 2 days, then it will be synced to Task Office as task of ToDo type with duration in two days. For example, if there is created a task with Start Nov 14, 2018 at 1:00 PM and Due Nov 15, 2018 at 2:00PM in Apple calendar. Then it will be synced as task with ToDo type with Start Nov 14, 2018 and Due Nov 15, 2018.
Task Office

Apple Calendar

▸ if task is a ToDo type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day ON;

▸ if task is Appointment type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day OFF;

▸ if task is Email/Call type in Task Office, then in Apple Calendar it will be All-day OFF and Due date will be the same as Start date.

Note: if there is a task in Apple Calendar with All-day OFF and duration in 2 days, then it will be synced to Task Office as task of ToDo type with duration in two days. For example, if there is created a task with Start Nov 14, 2018 at 1:00 PM and Due Nov 15, 2018 at 2:00PM in Apple calendar. Then it will be synced as task with ToDo type with Start Nov 14, 2018 and Due Nov 15, 2018.
Task Office

Apple Calendar